Frequently Asked Questions About Child Support in Texas
Marivonne Essex would like to answer all of your questions concerning child support in Texas. If you don’t see a question listed below, please contact Essex Law Firm.

Texas Child Support FAQ

Grounds for modification are a material and substantial change in the circumstances of a child or a person affected by the order OR the passage of three years since the last child support order and a difference in monthly payment by either 20 percent or $100 from the child support guidelines.
If a noncustodial parent does not pay child support, he or she is subject to enforcement measures to collect regular and past-due payments. Enforcement can result in jail time or payment arrangements or one or several other forms of enforcing the court order. There is also a statutory 6% interest for past-due child support.
The maximum child support is calculated based on $7500 per month NET income (which is about $10,500-$11,000 GROSS income), and is $1500 for one child and $1875 for two children.
It is calculated based on a formula that takes a person’s GROSS income, subtracts certain items that are deductible for child support purposes, and the result is a person’s NET income for child support purposes. The child support is 20% of the NET income for child support purposes for one child and 25% for two. It is necessary to use the Attorney General chart each year to calculate the child support.
- Child support is based on a formula (see above).
- The formula is used by all the judges in Texas.
- It can be varied from but rarely is.
- Once a court order is entered for child support, wage withholding is mandatory.
- All payments are required to be made through the Child Support Disbursement Unit in San Antonio. There should NOT be any direct payments to the custodial parent.

Experience You Can Trust

Marivonne R. Essex graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 1980 summa cum laude, with a BA in Psychology; and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, a scholastic honor society.
She graduated from the University of Houston Law Center in 1985. She became licensed to practice law in May 1985. Essex Law Firm, P.C. has been in private practice since 1985. Her practice focuses on family law issues – divorce, child support, custody, as well as wills and probate.